Friday, February 8, 2013

Things That Happened When I Left My House Today

Today, after being here for nearly two weeks, I finally journeyed into Liverpool City, particularly Liverpool One.

(Not my photo, my camera had died by the time I got to this center)

From what I've been told, Liverpool One is the largest shopping area in Europe currently, though something is being built in London that's supposedly gonna land Liverpool One flat on its metaphorical backside.

Anyway, I was in Liverpool One for about 5 hours and saw maybe about a quarter of the place? Maybe less? That's how big this place is. I tried to take pictures, but turns out I forgot to charge my camera last night... Oops.

Here are the few I did manage to get on the way there.

The train station in the Village, about a 5 minute walk from my house

Another shot of the train station; just a diddy one

Liverpool Lime Street Station; The major train station in Liverpool

I don't know what this building is, but it was just past Liverpool LS, and it was old and pretty.

Liverpool One starts just behind the building in the center

Another old pretty building down an ally of Liverpool One. There's a HUUUGE shopping district right behind me.

So they're not the best of photos, but the battery died so shut up.

I also bought a bunch of clothing in various store and I will take pictures of them, but right now it's late and all my new things are upstairs and I'm too lazy to go up, put them all on and take photos.

Till next time,

- Amie xx

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Whole New World

My name is Amie.

I am 18 years, 6 months old.

I have made the monstrous 19 hour trek from Australia to England.

I have gone from this :

 To this :

And I couldn't be happier.

Of course, I'll miss my Australian friends and family like no one's business,

(L-R) Ellie, Nikki, Me, Jessie, Kayla, Malcolm

(L-R) Tessa, Dad, Me, Mum

But everyone's gotta leave home one day, right?

So this blog will be following me and my adventures as I not only start living away from home, but do so in a totally different county.

So, let's start of with introductions, yes?

As I said, I'm Amie. This is my face.

I enjoy spending copious amounts of time on the internet, watching TV shows such as Doctor Who, BBC's Sherlock, Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle and I will eventually watch Supernatural.

I like watching films such as any DC or Marvel super hero film, Harry Potter, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Kinky Boots and Pracilla Queen of the Desert.

 I enjoy (when I can afford to) going to the theater, so far I've seen Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia and The Lion King.

I read (when I get the chance) authors like Douglas Adams, Neil Gaimen, JK Rowling and more recently Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

I watch comedians on youtube like it's my job, especially Adam Hills, Michael Mcintyre, Tim Minchin and waaaay to many more to list.

I like to think I'm a semi decent gamer (though I'm really not. Don't even bother asking me to play FPS, just no) I mostly play Assassins Creed or the Batman Arkham series.

Uhhh... Is there much else to tell you right now? Probably, but I can't think of anything.

                                                                            * * * 

So, I've been in England for just over a week and a half now. Not much has happened; I've set up a bank account, been food shopping, tried for days upon days to buy a phone with no success (you've gotta have a bank account and it didn't activate till today and I still don't have a pin number and its all been ridiculously frustrating), visited my great grandmother a few times, wandered around my new area and gotten lost on most occasions, made plans, canceled plans and cooked a lot of ready made meals.

And that's been about it so far. Obviously, when I get my phone (with maps! so I don't get lost!), start my new job at Gulliver's world (an under 12's adventure park) and make some English friends, thing's will be a little more interesting. But for now, I'm just gonna sit in my grandmother's house cruzing through the internet for hours on end.

Till next time! 

-Amie xx